Justyna Czech-Kowalska

Scientific degree: MD dr hab

Scientific position: professor

Department: Department of Neonatology and Neontal Intensive Care OrcID No: 000-0001-7563-3951


  • paediatrician, neonatologist and professor at the The Children’s Memorial Health Institute (CMHI) in Warsaw, which is a referral paediatric hospital for Poland
  • deputy head of the Neonatology and Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, which has the highest (3+) reference level in the three-stage perinatal care system
  • member of experts teams developing guidelines for the prevention of vitamin D deficiency (in Poland and Europe) and vitamin K deficiency bleeding in newborns and infants
  • member of the team of experts developing a standard of optimal nutrition for preterms and management of congenital CMV infection
  • contributed to projects financed by:  EU, National Science Center in Poland  (cooperation with the Institute of Medical Biology of the Polish Academy of Sciences) CMHI, the Mother and Child Institute, Centre of Postgraduate Education, and Nutricia Foundation
  • involved in educational activities (numerous lectures and workshops for medical doctors and nurses)
  • published over 100 reviewed articles and she was the author or co-author of 18 chapters in books

Qualifications and trainings:

  • graduate in paediatrics and neonatology
  • other medical/research skills: bone mass and body composition assessment, quantitative bone ultrasound, neonatal ultrasounds, enteral and parenteral nutrition of preterm infants, vitamin supplementation, statistics, GCP, clinical research methodology

Research interests:

  • research and clinical work mainly devoted to: calcium-phosphate metabolism disturbances (including osteopenia of prematurity, rickets), vitamin D deficiency in various age groups (pregnant women, nursing mothers, newborns, infants, children), bone metabolism disorders, bone mass and body composition assessment, enteral and parenteral nutrition in preterm infants, vitamin supplementation, diagnosis and treatment of congenital CMV infection, diagnosis and treatment of neonatal hydrocephalus and intracranial haemorrhage, and pathogenesis and management of retinopathy of prematurity


e-mail: j.kowalska@ipczd.pl