Scientific degree: Prof. DSc, PhD.
Scientific position: professor
Department: Pathology, Devision of Deputy Director for Research
OrcID No: 0000-0002-1785-1405
- graduate from the Faculty of Biology of the Warsaw University
- since 1980 a researcher at the Children’s Memorial Health Institute (CMHI), in Warsaw
- in the years 1997-2014 – head of the Electron Microscopy Laboratory in the Department of Pathology. She is an experienced diagnostician of ultrastructural pathology of cells/tissues in childhood diseases
- leader of 12 research projects, task principal investigator in EU project (ARVD/C, 2000-2005), task principal investigator in 3 research and development projects, and task investigator in 10 research projects
- awarded 10 scientific prizes
- author of 4 patents
- publication of 122 articles (indexed in pubmed)
- member of the Working Group on Developmental Anatomy and Pathology (since 1996)
- member of Materials Science Committee of the Department of Biomaterials of the Polish Academy of Sciences (2004 -2020)
- member of the Polish Society of Cell Biology
- member of the Polish Society of Cardiology
- Nucleus Member of the Working Group on Developmental Anatomy and Pathology of the European Society of Cardiology (2004-2010)
- member of the Reviewing Committee World Congress of Cardiology (2006) and European Congress of Cardiology (2006-2012)
Qualifications and trainings:
- specialist in the filed of histology and embriology and the structure and pathology of cells/tissues examined by means of electron and confocal microscopy and morphometric analysis
- trainings & research: the Academisch Medish Center in Amsterdam (1986), Wilhelmina Children Hospital in Utrecht (1989), Rijks Unversiteit te Leiden in Leiden (1989), Sick Chldren Hispital in Toronto (2001), Padua Unversity in Padua (2003, 2004)
Research interests:
- research interests mainly devoted to: (1) myocardium and blood vessels pathology in ischemia, reperfusion, metabolic syndrome, cardiac hypertrophy, dilated cardiomyopathy, arrhythmogenic right ventricle cardiomyopathy, heart failure; (2) development and biology of the cardiac blood and lymphatic vessels; (3) cardiological and bone biomaterials