Anna Wiernicka

Scientific degree: MD

Scientific position: assistant

Department: Department of Gastroenterology, Hepatology, Feeding Disorders and Pediatrics

OrcID No: 0000-0001-5248-1246


  • employee of Department of Gastroenterology, Hepatology, Feeding Disorders and Pediatrics since 2009
  • specialist in pediatrics, specializing in gastric gastroenterology
  • involved in clinical, scientific and didactic activities
  • member of a multidisciplany team taking care of patiens with feeding disorders
  • works at the Nutritional Clinic for patients fed via nasogastric tube or  gastrostomy in the home enteral nutrition program (HEN)
  • prepared, together with a Polish Society of Pediaric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and  Nutrition (PTGHiZDZ) working group, position paper of pediatric enteral nutrition in Poland
  • author and co-author of many publications, including 10 published in magazines with Impact Factor, in three of them she is the first author
  • laureate of the competition for the best scientific work related to nutrition and clinical titled: “Multicenter, prospective randomized trial assessing tolerance and safety of early enteral feeding in children after PEG procedure by endoscopy
  • laureate of CMHI scientific prize in the young scientist category for the work published in 2017 titled “Early Onset of Wilson Disease: Diagnostic Challenges”
  • experience in creation and realization of scientific research
  • in 2015-2017 – principal investigator in the multicenter project tilted: “Evaluation of tolerance and safety of early enteral nutrition in children after percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy placement”
  • project principal of the scientific grant of the NUTRICIA Foundation:“Impact of the gut-brain hormonal axis and enteric peptides in the development of food neophobia in children with genetically determined hypersensitivity to the bitter taste”
  • performs endoscopic examination in pediatric patients

Qualifications and trainings

  • graduated in pediatrics,  pediatric gastroenterology- ongoing
  • other medical/research skills: feeding disorders, enteral nutrition, GCP, clinical research methodology, pediatric endoscopy

Research interests:

Her research and clinical work were mainly devoted to pediatric enteral nutrition, inflammatory bowel disease and Wilson disease

