Małgorzata Żuk

Scientific degree: MD PhD

Scientific position: assistant professor

Department: Pediatric Cardiology

OrcID No: 0000-0002-2203-9382


  • have been employed in Children’s Memorial Health Institute (CMHI) since 1989
  • since 2009 – Head of the Cardiology Ward
  • in 2000 – obtained a doctorate in medical sciencesSince that time, I have published 88 publications with a total IF value of 127.348. 42 of them are full-text articles, including 16 original papers and 2 monographs
  • since 2015 – have been working on scientific position
  • participated in the implementation of external research grants (POLKARD) and internal scientific tasks of CMHI
  • conductes teaching activities by lecturing at continuing medical education courses for pediatricians and pediatric cardiologists
  • for 7 years – scientific supervisor of the Student Scientific Society of Pediatric Cardiology
  • member of the Polish Cardiac Society, active in the work of the Children’s Cardiology Section and the Pulmonary Circulatory Section (founding member, for the first 2 terms the only representative of pediatric cardiologists in the board)

Qualifications and trainings:

  • pediatrics, pediatric cardiology

Research interests:

  • since 2004 – main topic of her research interests is pulmonary hypertension in children (in this population it is a rare disease, the most important research works are created in multicenter cooperation)
  • since 2007 – participation in the work of the world registry of pediatric pulmonary hypertension (TOPP) – CMHI as the only center from Poland in TOPP
  • publication of the results of her own research in this field
  • principal investigator in clinical trials in pulmonary hypertension in children
  • in clinical work deals with infants with congenital heart defects, including those with a single-ventricle circulation (continuation of this topic are studies assessing long-term results of Fontan procedure, especially evaluating impact of such treatment on liver function)
  • interested in medical statistics (the level allowing independent statistical analyzes of the majority of her research)

