Reporting and audit in Horizon 2020 projects

We invite you to participate in the training on reporting and auditing in Horizon 2020 projects, which will take place on October 16, 2019 at the University of Warsaw, Krakowskie Przedmieście 26/28 str. The training will be led by experts from the European Commission. The training is prganised as part of the Communication Campaign run by the European Commission in various countries, and will focus on financial reporting and auditing. It is addressed primarily to financial and administrative services involved in the management and financial administration of the projects from active institutions in Framework Programs. The other aim of the training is to disseminate information about the principles of project cost reporting, and thus to minimize the number of errors made by beneficiaries. The emphasis will be put on the discussion of correct reporting of payroll costs, as this category usually raises the most questions and doubts of the beneficiaries. The training will be conducted in English, no translation into Polish will be provided.

DRAFT AGENDA: Draft Agenda – Warsaw 16.10

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