Bożena Cukrowska

Scientific degree: prof. dr hab.

Scientific position: professor

Department: Department of Pathology

OrcID No: 0000-0001-6887-0094


  • 2012 – present: Professor of medicine, Department of Pathology, The Children’s Memorial Health Institute, Warsaw, Poland
  • 2015 – present: Chairman of the Celiac Section of  the Polish Society for Paediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition
  • 2004 – present: head of Immunology Laboratory, Department of  Pathology, The Children’s Memorial Health Institute, Warsaw, Poland
  • 2000 – 2012: researcher and associate professor, Department of Pathology, The Children’s Memorial Health Institute, Warsaw, Poland
  • 1991 – 1999: PhD study (till 1996) and senior researcher, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Department of Immunology and Gnotobiology, Prague (Czech Republic)
  • 1988 – 1991: Research assistant, Department of Pediatric Propaedeutics, Medical University of Bialystok, Poland
  • 1986 – 1988: Research Assistant, I Clinic of Pediatrics, Medical University of Białystok, Poland
  • author and co-author of 170 peer reviewed papers (60 indexed in PubMed with a total “impact factor” 218,669)
  • co-author of the patent describing the anti-allergic activity of Lactobacillus casei and Lactobacillus rhamnosus strains

Qualifications and trainings:

  • 2012: professor of medical science nominated by the President of Poland
  • 2002: habilitation degree in medicine, The Children’s Memorial Health Institute, Warsaw, Poland
  • 1997: Ph.D. (cum Laude) in immunology, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic
  • 1991: Specialization in paediatrics
  • 1985: Medical Doctor (cum Laude), Medical Univeristy, Białystok, Poland

Research interests:

  • main scientific interests related to mucosal immunology, pathophysiology of gastrointestinal diseases (celiac disease, inflammatory bowel disease) and allergic diseases, the importance of intestinal microbiota in the development of chronic non-infectious diseases and the role of probiotics in their treatment and prophylaxis
  • experience in population-based genome wide association studies conducted as part of international scientific projects and in cooperation with Polish centers
  • application of modern diagnostic methods in gastroenterology, hepatology and pediatric oncology
  • principal investigator of the projects funded by the Polish National Science Centre, Polish Ministry of Education, Danone Foundation of Healthy Nutrition Promotion and by the Internal Funding from the Children’s Memorial Health Institute, Warsaw, Poland and UMC Utrecht, Holland.

