Professor Berthold Koletzko – a laureate of the Honoris Causa of Poznan University of Medical Sciences

We are pleased to inform you that our longtime friend, Prof. Berthold Koletzko on September 17, 2019 will receive the Doctor Honorsi Causa Award of the Poznan University of Medical Sciences. The cooperation established by prof. Jerzy Socha and developed by prof. Piotr Socha and prof. Dariusz Gruszfeld had a direct impact on the scientific activity of Polish gastroenterologists and The Children’s Memorial Health Institute (CMHI). Professor Koletzko has always supported the whole environment of Polish pediatrics, specially his contribution to the development of science at CMHI – with his inspiration our Institute (Neonatology, Neonatal Pathology and Intensive Care Department, Gastroenterology, Hepatology, Nutrition Disorders and Pediatrics Department, Biochemistry, Radioimmunolgy and Experimental Medicine Unit, Public Health Unit) conducted 5 research projects European Union:

1.     EU Childhood Obesity Programme (CHOP)

2.     Early Nutrition programming – long term Efficacy and Safety Trials and integrated epidemiological, genetic, animal, consumer and economic research, EARNEST 

3.     Effect of diet on the mental performance of children, NUTRIMENTHE

4.     Multifactorial evidence based approach using behavioural models in understanding and promoting fun, healthy food, play and policy for the prevention of obesity in early childhood, ToyBox

5.    Long-term effects of early nutrition on later health, EarlyNutrition

These projects have documented the nutritional programming as an important risk mechanism for developing obesity, which have become a breakthrough in nutritional sciences. International infant nutrition guidelines are also based on them. We are proud of our close cooperation with one of the most outstanding scientists in nutritional sciences in the world.

*the photo comes from the United European Gastroenterology website

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