Conference ”GET AHEAD OF EPILEPSY. EPISTOP – the results of a breakthrough research on early childhood epilepsy”

On the 4th April 2019 at 11.30 a.m. at the NOVOTEL Hotel at Marszałkowska St. 94/98 in Warsaw in the Rose Room, a conference summarizing the results of the 5-year EPISTOP research project will take place.

The project is based on the Polish scientific concept, aimed at explaining the mechanisms of epilepsy formation and finding ways to epilepsy prevention in children. This is the first program in the world where epilepsy is examined from the stage of the first changes in the brain before seizures occur.

Within the scientific and research project EPISTOP cooperated experts from 16 universities, hospitals and laboratories from Europe, Australia and the USA. The work was coordinated by the Department of Neurology and Epileptology of the Children’s Memorial Health Institute, which is recognised as the world’s leading research centre for tuberous sclerosis. 

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